Du musst zum Eventbeginn 21 Jahre alt oder älter sein (also auch im internationalen Raum erwachsen), um hier teilnehmen zu können. Dabei spielt es keine Rolle, ob du 21, 45 oder 62 Jahre alt bist.
- Date
- outubro 9, 2016
A camp-based programme for 12-19 + year-olds, lasting either 8 or 15 days The first Youth Meeting was held in 1969. Youth Meetings bring small groups […]- Date
- outubro 9, 2016
An international community-based programme for people aged 19+, lasting 14-23 days International People’s Projects (IPPs) are locally run projects that benefit a community and its environment. In […]- Date
- outubro 9, 2016
Our programs for under-16s are accompanied by volunteer adults. Each delegation of 4-6 children / teenagers is looked after by such a “leader”. They must be […]